Thank you for your contribution.
Friends of Nike Site Summit is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, tax ID #99-3222692. Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by IRS. To make your tax deductible contribution, please write your check payable to "Friends of Nike Site Summit" and mail it to the address below:
Friends of Nike Site Summit
P.O. Box 231201
Anchorage, Alaska 99523-1201
Your financial support is appreciated to support our mission to preserve Site Summit as a monument to Cold War veterans and to educate present and future generations about the Cold War. Donate to FONSS by credit card or PayPal account here:
Friends of Nike Site Summit
P.O. Box 231201
Anchorage, Alaska 99523-1201
Your financial support is appreciated to support our mission to preserve Site Summit as a monument to Cold War veterans and to educate present and future generations about the Cold War. Donate to FONSS by credit card or PayPal account here:
See FONSS Endowment link at left for details on how to donate to our endowment.
Thank you to our 2023 Donors! We could not do it without your support!
FONSS General Maintenance & Operations Fund ($7,737 raised) Philip Betsinger Judy Bittner Hal Braspenninckx Dr. Gene Burrell (in memory LTC John Edge) Diane Carson Bruce Downs Leslie Dunlap Greg & Shari Durocher Laura Eide Allegra Hamer Thomas Hart Gordy Heinen Claudette Hixon Connie Hoke Robert & Judy Gastrock Dave Klenzendorf Kathy Klos Lance Morgan Tom Namtvedt Stephanie Nowers Bruce Parham Mark & Katie Parmelee Mark Rice Gregory Ronnback Evan Rowland Larry Stavish Jesse Sumner Doris & S E. Thomas Dave York Roger & Natalie Zellner (in memory of Hal & Shirley Braspenninckx) |
Endowment Donors ($1,510 raised) Anonymous Tami de Leon Clifton (Chip) Derrick K W & Linda Greenwood Ivan Hodes Jeffrey Hunt Lauri Keranen Barratt & Kim Patton Robert Raichle Jim Renkert (in memory of Jane Schlittler) Mark Rice Jessica Senecal Kat Wall (in memory of Dale Ogden) John Wolfe In-kind donations Doug Ruhl Allegra Hamer |
For information about or to contribute to the FONSS Endowment Fund, which is held at the Alaska Community Foundation, please click the FONSS Endowment link at left.